Today, while looking for something, I stumbled upon a brand new notebook PC.
I said no to it because of their mounting debts that remain unpaid.
I said no to it because my family does not live a simple lifestyle.
I said no to it because it would be a second notebook PC within the same house.
I said no to it because we could not afford it -- just yet.
But I was mentally calculating it, "How can we afford it?" (I learned that from a book).
Yet, they just couldn't the notebook, got the house, got to be a one-day millionaire.
Many times they deceived me so they could extort money out of me.
They asked money from me to pay for their credit card bills.
They asked me to pay for the US interview fees.
All the while giving the same excuse to borrow money from other people.
They tried to borrow money from my aunt using my education as an excuse.
They buy a house, and borrow money to use as a downpayment.
They send balikbayan boxes to the Philippines instead of pay their debts.
Today, I cleaned the house because the dust has accumulated over time.
As usual, I usually picked up the slack because no one would voluntarily tidy up.
I had hoped that she learned to live life without househelp.
I used to pick up after her mess back in the Philippines.
I tested if there would be any change of heart by intentionally not cleaning.
Her room is a pigsty, the new house already has insects living in it.
No change, no initiative, no learnings from the past.
I am at my wit's end, and refuse to tolerate this.
Could there be a clinical term for people who try to escape from their debts?
Blindness. Nonchalance. No sense of responsibility. Intervention please!
Whatever happened to responsible parenting, and growing up?
I will save up money to buy the things necessary to live here.
I will be a good financial steward, and will not be moved.
Call it tough love; but there's one thing real that I call it: Poverty.